The course is great so far! It gave me a sound and solid framework around the topics I had previously studied and provided valuable insights and depth into specific areas of financial modeling and valuation. Also I find the lifetime access very important.
I’m currently a management consultant with a large global firm but wanted to shift into restructuring for a number of reasons.
I wanted to refresh my modeling skills while also getting a crash course on bankruptcy and restructuring as I had some interviews approaching.
Your course checked the boxes and I have an offer from firm name omitted. Firm name omitted was impressed I took it before my interviews.
I have been an analyst on the buy side for 7 years and may be transitioning to a new role where I will need to do more modeling from scratch, so I wanted a refresher on best practices and efficient model building.
I enrolled to learn modeling skills taught by people with industry experience rather than the academics at my school (I’m in 4th year). I want to be able to include a model with my application package to make me a more compelling candidate.
The models you make are more organized and have a nicer logic than other training providers
The course was really helpful – I liked the download feature so I could watch them on the train into work. Having the models is good so I can modify them for equities I’m interested in.
I was transitioning from consulting to private equity and wanted to brush up on financial modeling before starting. This course is incredibly practical and well-paced!
My main goal of purchasing this course was to tune my financial modeling skills as I recently accepted an investment banking position as a first year analyst.
I did some research on various courses – Wall Street Prep stood out to me for a) positive reviews and b) easy to navigate interface that was transparent and intuitive.
Both courses have had a material impact on my knowledge of financial modeling and have given me a new depth of financial knowledge.
Investment banking relies heavily on financial modeling; WSP gave me a fundamental platform that has put me an advantageous position as a first-year analyst
I purchased the Premium Package to enhance my excel skills and provide evidence of my interest in financial statement modeling on my Resume.
I am a recent college graduate with 10 months of working in the financial industry
I find the overall direction of the course to be very helpful. Not only do you learn how to use a FS and other models to help with financial analysis, but you also learn how to craft your own. In addition, it is useful to learn more about industry standards for models. I am hoping to use my new skills when interviewing for jobs as a financial analyst.
I am a professional with 10+ yrs experience working in finance but wanted to gain some additional skills to further my education and make my day to day work life more effective.
I chose Wall Street Prep over other training providers because of their value for money, reputation and the learning skills they offered that I was interested in.
I LOVE IT!! I am still working my way through, but find it very easy to follow along and I am enjoying working my way through the material.
The courses are great! I think it’s the best way to learn how to model by far. I got tired of having to study books that are too a academic for the real life and not being able to interact with the content I’m trying to learn. WSP changed that.