The Human Digestive System

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Digestion occurs as food moves through the length our gastrointestinal tract, from your mouth, right through to the loo. Mechanically you can have issues with digestion if you are cramped over when you are eating. Sitting slumped or lying down after eating can inhibit a direct pathway for the food to travel though the Weight loss. The stomach needs some room to expand to allow for the influx of food or it will get squashed. After eating, try to stand or stretch out the midsection to facilitate movement through the stomach and intestinal tract to avoid cramps or indigestion.

What are the 4 stages of digestion?

There are four steps in the digestion process: ingestion, the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food, nutrient absorption, and elimination of indigestible food.

Diarrhoea occurs when insufficient water is removed from the stool during digestion so it becomes loose and poorly formed. Digestion begins in the mouth as foods are chewed and mixed with saliva. Enzymes in saliva begin to break down some complex carbohydrate (also called “Starches”). As we swallow, muscular contraction moves food down the oesophagus to the stomach.

Digestive Tract 2pt

A further challenge is faced when attempting to relate the different systems in the body to the functioning of the body as a whole. There are a number of things you can do to help keep your digestive system healthy. At the last stop, the remaining fluids and electrolytes are absorbed in the large bowel before what is left is passed out as poo. It is normal to have one to two bowel movements a day, if not every two days.

  • Additional symptoms of reflux can include regurgitation, the sensation of having a lump in the throat, cough, wheezing and difficulty swallowing.
  • Luckily, there are plenty of ways to boost your gut health and thereby improve your skin and complexion.
  • This part of the digestive system is where water is reabsorbed and hydration plays a role, if dehydrated excess fluid will be taken out of the bulk which makes it hard to remove.
  • ’ Explore and list ideas – use a body outline to map the movement of this food through the body.

Constipation can be managed and modified with regular exercise, eating a high fibre diet and consuming adequate water. Constipation is a hard, Weight loss or infrequent, or difficult or incomplete bowel motion. Almost one in five people over the age of 30 have experienced constipation.

Individual Components Of The Gastrointestinal System

Nutrition plays a key role in the structure and function of the brain, so what we eat can therefore influence how effectively our brains operate. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the is the window to good health. The digestive system is the cornerstone between eating and having adequate fuel for the body to thrive. Alcohol consumption can damage the digestive system and can increase the risk of alcohol-caused cancer and liver disease. Our body contains a complex system of organs that does the job of processing our food and extracting all the nutrients we need.

The stomach is a muscular bag and it churns the food to help break it down mechanically as well as chemically. The food is then squeezed through a second sphincter into the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. The food is ground up by the teeth and moistened with saliva to make it easy to swallow. Saliva also has a special chemical, called an enzyme, which starts breaking down carbohydrates into sugars. Once swallowed, muscular contractions of the oesophagus massage the ball of food down into the stomach. The breaks down food into nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

What Is The Role Of Our Digestive System?

You may have heard how probiotics and prebiotics can help keep you child’s gut healthy, but have you heard of synbiotics? 1857 Meissner was the first to describe a nerve plexus in the submucosa of the bowel wall. Note the duodenum is commonly divided into 4 anatomical sequential parts . During the 4th week three distinct regions (fore-, mid- and hind-gut) extend the length of the embryo and will contribute different components of the GIT. The large mid-gut is generated by lateral embryonic folding which "pinches off" a pocket of the yolk sac, the 2 compartments continue to communicate through the vitelline duct. Your body also needs plenty of water and daily exercise (for keeping everything ‘oiled’ and working well).

digestive system

The more prebiotics in your diet, the more good bacteria will thrive and grow. Prebiotics are found in green vegetables, legumes like baked beans, lentils and soy beans, oats and barley. Both types of fibre also provide food for the good bacteria in your large bowel, which is good for your overall bowel health. Once you’ve chewed your food it moves down into the oesophagus when you swallow, and into the stomach. The more work that machines do to process and refine foods is all less work and activity the has to do to break food down, and as you know – when you don’t train, you become weak.

Stomach Model

This popular chart of The clearly illustrates the organs that make up the digestive system. The beautiful central image shows the esophagus, liver, stomach , gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, rectum, arteries and veins. Therefore it is essential that water is reabsorbed from the chyme in the large intestine to form the solid faeces containing fibre and other undigested food. These are stored in the rectum and released through the anus by the anal sphincter out of the body.

By now the vast majority of the nutrients have been digested, and what is left can not be digested or used by the horse. The main function of the small colon is to reclaim excess moisture and return it to the body. These faecal balls, which are the undigested and mostly indigestible portion of what was fed some hours ago are then passed to the rectum and expelled as manure through the anus.

Peristalsis then moves the stool from the large intestines to the rectum where it stays until it is excreted from the anus. The cells lining the stomach produce acidic gastric juices which contain some enzymes to begin breaking down protein into smaller pieces. The mass of food in the stomach is churned by the stomach acid to a soupy consistency, ready to pass to the small intestine. Alcohol and some drugs can be absorbed directly from the stomach but most of the mass of food passes through to the small intestine. Carbohydrates eaten on their own tend to leave the stomach quickly.

Gastroscopy: Examination Of The Upper Digestive Tract

The pancreas secretes fluid rich in carbohydrates and inactive enzymes. Secretion is triggered by the hormones released by the duodenum in the presence of food. Pancreatic enzymes include carbohydrases, lipases, nucleases and proteolytic enzymes that can break down different components of food. These are secreted in an inactive form to prevent digestion of the pancreas itself.

digestive system

Instead, the horse has a simple stomach that works much like a human’s. The equine digestive tract is unique in that it digests portions of its feeds enzymatically first in the foregut and ferments in the hindgut. The horse’s digestive system really should be thought of as being in two sections. The first section has similarities to the pre-caecal digestive system of a monogastric animal such as the dog, man or pig. This has profound effects on the way we need to think about feeding the horses in our care.


However, the horse is neither a dog nor a ruminant or even a direct combination of both. The cow benefits by having the microbial breakdown of fibrous food at the start of the GIT and nutrient absorption can then take place along the entire intestine. Dietary protein is not utilised efficiently because the microbial fermentation breaks down protein plus some carbohydrate. In the horse unlike in the ruminant the microbial fermentation occurs after the ‘monogastric’ like section rather than before. This has a great impact on how we should feed a horse and explains in part why the horse and cow differ so much in their nutritional efficiencies and requirements.